When You
When you arrive to the retreat, the first thing you will notice is there is 800 acres of God’s restful outdoors at hand.
Driving up the well maintained road to the retreat center, the goats might even come greet you, as you marvel of the remote feeling the path takes you on. Once you arrive, you will seen a large parking area and a cabin on your right. There should be a path with flags welcoming you.
Drive on through the flags to the chair area of the meeting hall.
After welcoming you, this is where our staff will take your ticket, issue your event badge, cabin assignment, collect insurance forms, and assist in getting you and your bags to your cabin.
After your settled in, and refreshed come on back to the event hall to welcome others who are arriving.
You Will Eat Well
If you were in the military and heard how much better the Air Force chow halls were, be ready for a surprise.
Manderley Christian Camp & Conference Center’s staff meals are better then anything the Air Force served.
The staff takes great pleasure in ensuring you are full, and enjoy the experience getting there.
Have a food Allergy? Let us know and the menu will be planned around it.
Let the
Before you arrived we had people praying over you, now is the time to find out what team you will be assigned too. Each team will use these themes during our search as Seekers for Christ.
The teams are Healing, Freedom, Forgiveness and Hope.
We want you to know Christ
The retreats are centered around speaker testimonies.
Speakers are men and women who give their testimonies of where they been, how a relationship with Jesus Christ was what brought them through it and it is their Hope that you will let Christ do the same in your life.
The entire goal of these retreats is to allow you to heal the wounds of the world through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
The Speakers give 15 minutes of Testimony, then 15 minutes of the retreat's theme and team topic.
After each speaker, the teams are given time to find bible verses that relate to the speaker’s testimony.
The verses are used to create "God's Armor Pieces, Skits, Raps, Music videos, As Seen on TV commercials"
Project Points Awarded
Will your team take home the event's Themed Prize?
Of course anything with teams and competition has to be judged, points are awarded to the teams presented projects. Will your team be in the lead?
The Nightly
Camp fire
We encourage people to rest, but if you find yourself up for some fireside chat with a fellow Seeker, the campfire will be your spot.
Morning Wake Up
You did remember to sleep right? You have a full day of Seeking to do ARISE!