Our Beliefs

We believe and teach God’s word. We stand on the Word of God.

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authentic Word of God.

We believe that the Bible is the living Word of God and it is our training manual.

We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost as some know Him,
as a Christian ministry.

We believe in one God eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, He was crucified and died for
our sins. He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day, he rose as a man,
defeating death. He then ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of
the Father as the Son.

We believe that in the beginning God created all things in heaven and earth and
that He created Man and Woman in His own image, and that in placing them over
creation He then and only then called creation very good.

We believe that all those who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born

We believe that all people, including ourselves, have sinned, bringing death and
separation from God.

We believe in having a relationship with our Heavenly Father. It comes through
faith by accepting and confessing these three things

Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior

That we are a sinner and are in need of saving.

To be saved we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and wash us in His precious
blood; which is what we call Grace.

We believe that sexual purity is the standard for all God’s children, which requires
abstinence from adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality, or other sexual
relationships or practices forbidden by Scripture.

We believe in the goodness of being either single, or married. Both are honorable
in God’s design. 


We believe that God intends marriage to be a covenant between
one man and one woman for life
