Welcome to the frequently asked questions page.

Veterans, 1st Responders, and all faith leaders are eligible to attend. Additionally, family members of anyone of these professions are also eligible to attend.

The retreat is designed to pull the seeker out of their normal environment and place them in a situation where the “person” they turn to for coping and help is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our loved ones can support seekers through many situations but we believe only a relationship with Jesus Christ will heal them fully, this is why we ask that only 1 member from each family attend at a time.

We are not associated with any particular denomination. 

Our beliefs can be found here 

Retreat are designed to maximize people sharing their journeys and love of Christ. We have learned that having a Men’s only retreat and a Woman’s only retreat works best.  As of 2024 we are only offering Men’s Retreats

Table leaders are kinda like Non Commissioned Officers of GTH Ministries retreats.  They need to lead their tables by:

  • Ask the people at the table if they know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. If someone at the does not, be prepared to share with them how to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. If uncomfortable with this, they will find a staff member to help them lead that person to salvation.

  • Help their table people open up and discuss the topics at hand.

  • Understand that your table theme must be reflected in your discussions of each topic.  Be prepared to help your folks at your table filter the discussions through the lens of your table theme.
  • Listen to your people.  They probably have something going on that you either need to speak into or let someone else know to speak into, if necessary. 
  • Table Leaders can help the retreat leadership by having a copy of the schedule for the entire retreat and help their tables know what to do next.
  • Watch for potential connections that could be made between your table folks and the other Seekers and staff at the retreat. 
  • Follow up directly with your table folks after they leave the retreat.  Either get their contact info yourself, coordinate with the 100 Days Follow Up POC, or both.  You as a table leader will be closer than most of the rest of the people at the retreat to the people at your table. 
  • Engage your table people in conversations
  • If a table leader is new, they need to understand the structure and purpose of the planned activity for each reflection ahead of time. 
  • Recommend, if possible, table leader sit next each person at their table over the first 3 meals at the retreat.
  • Immerse yourself in the scripture. You may be asked by one or more of your table people about theological questions. Know the word, and know who else knows the Word to get answers as you can to the seeker.

If you are volunteering to be a table leader and would like to know more please email benjamin.gray@gthministries.org

Speakers give 15 minutes of their personal testimony and 15- 30 minutes of the assigned retreats theme topic.
Speakers are volunteers who are typically selected from past events attendance as a seeker.