Christian Warriors Retreats and Gateway to Heaven Ministries Retreats will take your old flags for retirement!
As American’s we all know we are supposed to do something with the American flag when it is worn and torn and ready to be retired, but what? Many people have given them to the Boy or Girl Scouts or VFW for retirement, and that is great!
We just wanted to ask that you keep us in mind when you need to retire a flag. We hold an event at our retreats called, “Dying Moments at the fireside.”
This is a very special event as each seeker retires something they were carrying as we retire the flag.
We respect every seekers privacy of what burden is retired with the flag and we know these dying moments at the fireside are actually moments of first surrender and rebuilding in Christ’s image.
Will you help us retire your old flags and give someone a chance to surrender to Christ?
Email us to do so,