Verse of the Day

To family, friends, brother and sister of Christ. The verse of the day comes from the OT book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.

Read Isaiah 55:8-11

These verses are very important to understand. God’s words to us is like the rain and the snow is to the earth. The rain and snow is used to restore the evaporated earth, just as God’s word is to restore or refresh our lives. These verses are intended to motivate repentance by explaining that the Lord’s plans and methods are better than those a man or woman may devise on his or her own.

God’s word and scripture carries spiritual energy, strength, life and so much more. Whenever God’s word reaches someone heart, it will bring joy, refreshment, nourishment, and a new life. God word is the divine origin (or character) of God. It is not some magical power, which causes it to be accomplishing the purpose for which it is sent.

I just love the fact that God uses the word rain as an example to refresh, start over, to clean and to grow. Just as the Bible (God’s word) is our rain and is to do the same to refresh, restore, start over, and to grow. The Bible is to a thirsty soul what water is to a barren land.

My prayer as you read this today is that we understand that God’s word (the Bible) is truth. Know that God word is powerful as a two edge sword. Whatever God has said will come out just the way He said it would.

Have a blessed and wonderful day, may God be with each of you. From the staff of Gateway to Heaven Ministries