Verse of the Day

To family, friends, brother and sister of Christ. The verse of the day is from the NT book of Acts.

Acts 2:39 For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.

Read Act 2:36-39, It talks about a promise once we repent of our sin and believe.

Have you ever been in a place where someone promised you something, and it didn’t come true? I have and it kind of sucks putting so much into waiting on that promise that never come true. Well be encouraged if God our Lord make a promise to us, He will make it come true. However, we need to understand it is in His timing, not ours. Which means God can answer it right that second, or it can take years. God does answer prayers and promises, but most of the time it not until our heart is right with God before He can do it. Through the Bible, God makes promises to His children, and we see that He answers His promises to all that believe. As we can see, these promises go not only to us but to our children and much further.

My prayer today is, if you or I are waiting on a promise from God, that we evaluate ourselves. If our heart isn’t right, that promise or blessing may take a while to come. It all about our attitude and heart condition, it just a natural condition that over time our heart can become hard and cold. God waiting on you and I to change the condition of our hearts. Be encouraged that He is a loving God, and He wants us to have all the promises He has made for us.

Have a blessed and wonderful day from Gateway to Heaven Ministries