October 2022 Men’s Only Retreat
The theme of this fall’s retreat is ” Restoring the Heart “
This retreat is for Men Seekers and their Sons, 16 and older.
The arrival date is Thursday afternoon on October 27th 1500 hours or 3PM Central Standard Time and departing Sunday Afternoon, October 30th, 2022 after 1300 hours or 1pm Central Standard Time.
The retreat we rent is an alcohol and tobacco free environment. Service of or consumption of alcohol anywhere on retreat grounds (inside and outside) is strictly prohibited. In addition, smoking, vaping, and use of tobacco products is prohibited in any area of the premises, inside or outside.
The Google Maps and GPS address to find the retreat entrance is 100 Pratt Rd Rd Pikeville TN
The event is finished.
- Oct 27 - 30 2022
- Expired!
- All Day
- $100.00
Jeremiah Stillings U.S. Air Force Medically RetiredGTH Tech Support.
Jeremiah is a dramatic storyteller who grew up in Pennsylvania to a house divided, one half Mennonite, and the other decidedly not. Jeremiah escaped, joining the US Air Force serving until the divide of right and wrong was a battle in his own mind about everything. Enduring this battle with him was his wife and two children to the crisis point of finally being medically discharged in 2008. Jeremiah found this new condition the enemy and to survive it meant many humble surrenders to doctor’s best guess of what would stabilize him. While in such a treatment, he met a man who came out of Christ’s love to check on him. Bert Schmidt. That very day changed his life, the seed of recovery was planted.
Christ has rebuilt me after a divorce, a suicide, and losing everything I thought I had, including respect, love, and acceptance.
I now stand by God’s Grace, married, with 4 adult children, and grand kids who only see the man Christ restored.
Jeremiah will be speaking on Exodus 15 The Song of Moses at this retreat.
Israal St. Clair PastorGTH Men's Speaker
Israal will be speaking on “Know me” from Psalm 139
Josh Snyder - Montana Army National GuardMinistry Leader
Josh Snyder will be speaking on Joshua Be Strong and Courageous this retreat.
Josh, his wife of 5 years (Auna), and 2 children (Alaina & Kieran), just recently relocated to the state of Georgia following God‘s calling on their lives to do so in July of 2021.
Josh is an ordained preacher (was the associate Pastor for almost 4 years at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Lewistown, Montana up until their move to Georgia State), professional independent music artist, Digital marketer/designer, and just recently finished his “active contract” with the Montana Army National Guard.
Josh, his family, and small ministry team have a desire to serve God to the greatest capacity wherever God opens the doors and are always looking for opportunities to reach the lost and encourage the body of Christ through preaching, teaching, music, and any other necessary local mission work.
-Isaiah 6:8- -
Charlie YorkGTH Speaker
Charlie is originally from upstate New York and is the youngest of seven children. He and his older brothers and sisters were not raised in a Godly home, which had a very negative impact on him for most of his life. Anger, rage and unforgiveness lead to several addictions which caused him many legal problems. Throughout this, he was somehow able to serve this country effectively for 21 years in the Marine Corps. But he had no relationship with Jesus Christ.
But God revealed to Charlie that living for the world – and in much darkness—was not what He wanted for him. In the midst of deep depression, Charlie finally gave his life to the Lord through a powerful conversion experience 2001. Unbeknownst to him, his soon to be wife was also saved the same year. Their marriage was a blessing and challenge as they began their blended family. Today Charlie and Sandee live in East TN and attend Ewtonville Baptist Church where Charlie has served as the men’s ministry leader & Sunday School teacher for the past 8 years.
With the Lord’s help, Charlie’s passion for biblical leadership can show followers of Christ, we have Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Prove and Nothing to Fear! -
Joshua MyerCWR Speaker