Men’s Winter Retreat Feb 29th – Mar 3rd 2024

The theme of this Winters retreat is  “Trust and Obey”

Gateway to Heaven Ministries INC. Men’s Retreat
The Arrival Date is Thursday afternoon on February 29th at 1500 hours or 3PM Central Standard Time and departing Sunday Afternoon, March 3rd, 2024 after 1300 hours or 1pm Central Standard Time.

This men’s retreat will focus on Bible stories of Trust and Obedience. Seekers will have the opportunity to delve deeply into this powerful topic.

There will be group discussions, prayer times, and opportunities for personal reflection. Activities will include hiking, and other outdoor pursuits in the beautiful surrounding area. This retreat offers a chance to disconnect from the hectic pace of everyday life and to connect with God and other like-minded men. Through this immersive experience, attendees will come away feeling renewed, inspired, and better-equipped to face the challenges of daily living.

The retreat we rent is an alcohol and tobacco free environment. Service of or consumption of alcohol anywhere on retreat grounds (inside and outside) is strictly prohibited. In addition, smoking, vaping, and use of tobacco products is prohibited in any area of the premises, inside or outside.




The event is finished.


Feb 29 2024 - Mar 03 2024


All Day




  • Jeremiah Stillings U.S. Air Force Medically Retired
    Jeremiah Stillings U.S. Air Force Medically Retired
    GTH Tech Support.

    Jeremiah is a dramatic storyteller who grew up in Pennsylvania to a house divided, one half Mennonite, and the other decidedly not. Jeremiah escaped, joining the US Air Force serving until the divide of right and wrong was a battle in his own mind about everything. Enduring this battle with him was his wife and two children to the crisis point of finally being medically discharged in 2008. Jeremiah found this new condition the enemy and to survive it meant many humble surrenders to doctor’s best guess of what would stabilize him. While in such a treatment, he met a man who came out of Christ’s love to check on him. Bert Schmidt. That very day changed his life, the seed of recovery was planted.

    Christ has rebuilt me after a divorce, a suicide, and losing everything I thought I had, including respect, love, and acceptance.

    I now stand by God’s Grace, married, with 4 adult children, and grand kids who only see the man Christ restored.

    Jeremiah will be speaking on Exodus 15 The Song of Moses at this retreat.

  • Terry Hendrix U.S. Navy Veteran
    Terry Hendrix U.S. Navy Veteran
    GTH Worship Leader

    Terry will be speaking on Jobs Testing this Retreat

  • Josh Snyder - Montana Army National Guard
    Josh Snyder - Montana Army National Guard
    Ministry Leader

    Josh Snyder will be speaking on Joshua Be Strong and Courageous this retreat.
    Josh, his wife of 5 years (Auna), and 2 children (Alaina & Kieran), just recently relocated to the state of Georgia following God‘s calling on their lives to do so in July of 2021.
    Josh is an ordained preacher (was the associate Pastor for almost 4 years at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Lewistown, Montana up until their move to Georgia State), professional independent music artist, Digital marketer/designer, and just recently finished his “active contract” with the Montana Army National Guard.
    Josh, his family, and small ministry team have a desire to serve God to the greatest capacity wherever God opens the doors and are always looking for opportunities to reach the lost and encourage the body of Christ through preaching, teaching, music, and any other necessary local mission work.
    -Isaiah 6:8-

  • Isaac Danford
    Isaac Danford
    Ministry Leader

    Isaac will be speaking on Abraham and Isaac – A Fathers Trust this Retreat

  • Benjamin Gray
    Benjamin Gray
    GTH Men's Speaker

    Benjamin will be speaking on Jonah and Disobedience this Retreat.
    Benjamin Gray – DoD Contractor

    Benjamin has served as a US Department of Defense Contractor for more than 20 years. While he has not served in any military branch, he has worked to support all branches and has worked along side hundreds of military veterans. Benjamin and his wife (Laura Ann) co-own a start up film studio in their current hometown of Huntsville, AL that the Lord provided them. Benjamin, his wife (Laura Ann) and their 3 children look to serve the Lord wherever He sends them. Benjamin is also an ordained minister, having served 6 churches as either bi-vocational youth minister/associate pastor, pastor or interim pastor. Benjamin has been noted by others he has served as a gifted Bible teacher. He loves coaching people to find new ways to grow spiritually and serve the Lord.

  • Jesse Miller U.S. Marine Veteran
    Jesse Miller U.S. Marine Veteran
    Associate Pastor of Redemption Church

    Jesse is a grateful disciple of Jesus Christ who lives in Anthony hill, Tennessee along with his beautiful wife of 13 years, Caitlin, and their three children, Evelyn, Easton, and Silas. He is a veteran of the United State Marine Corps where he served 4 years with one tour of duty in Operation Enduring Freedom as a Motor Transport Mechanic.
    Jesse currently serves as the bi-vocational Associate Pastor of Redemption Church located in Pulaski, TN. His desire is to spread the gospel and help others grow in their walk with Christ as he continues to grow in his own walk. He also enjoys serving in the recovery ministry where he shares with others about the healing power of a relationship with Jesus over all of life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups.
    Jesse Miller will be speaking on the story of Jesus, as a man, trusting His father, God. “A Son’s Trust.”

  • Joshua McDonald
    Joshua McDonald
    GTH Men's Speaker

    My name is Joshua McDonald. I am husband to my wife Stacy McDonald of 16 years, 3 children and 4 grandchildren. After 31 years of dealing with addiction and mental health issues God has restored me and healed me. He is currently using me at the Russellville Dream Center, a faith based life recovery center. I am honored to serve at Redemption Outreach Church. God is opening various ways of using my past for his purpose. As a student of the Word, I am currently enrolled in Mid America Christian University pursuing a BA in biblical studies and Christian counseling. For everything the locust has stolen God is slowly restoring but it required being broken.
    Joshua McDonald will be speaking on the story of Samson and Delilah.