I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ with confession,
When we first started GTH Ministries we knew follow up would be our forgotten key to kingdom work, we aimed at 30 days of follow up and even that was a hard challenge for us.
Later I, Jeremiah Stillings was asked to do a 1 year of prayer follow up, by Our Lord via the Holy Spirit.
I caved in and barely reached 100 days. Why?
I listened to the very ones I was asked to cover in prayer, the complainers who felt the emails and text were burdensome or irritating when they were interrupted by the follow up.
I want to confess to each of you the conviction I have when I labeled that group in the email system and open it up.
I thank Mark Preston Harrison, Josh Snyder, and Hubert Schmidt. They are the faithful. I was not.
I knew I was asked to do 1 year of prayer and as men and women in an over 60-person group dwindled and people asked to be excluded I changed the title somewhere in this to 100 days of follow up.
I saw 1 year of prayer every day of those 100 days I barely made it through.
Lord, I ask you to forgive me for growing weak and caving to man instead of following Your command. I confess my shortcoming to my brothers and sisters in the Lord and I acknowledge the next command give and share with those who are faithful 365 days of Battle in Praise and Worship.
Today the devil will fire every focus leak he can, today I will be attacked, and I stand Armored among the Faithful, knowing if I grow weak, you will be those who raise my arms and fight with me knowing the Battle is the Lords and we fight from a position of VICTORY.
TO BATTLE!! This is no longer an email group. Today we take technology and form it into a platform to share 365 songs of Praise and Worship, 1 a day, across all these platforms that barrage our loved ones with good and bad influence, claiming back the air waves that hit our open portals for the Kingdom of God.
We answer the call to Praise and Worship, please send your songs you wish to be highlighted as a YouTube Link to 365-days-of-battle@gthministries.org